Art. 14 from 2024

Art. 14 Apprenticeship contract
1 Learners and host companies shall enter into an apprenticeship contract. Unless this Act provides otherwise, the apprenticeship contract is governed by the provisions of the Code of Obligations (1) on apprenticeship contracts (Art. 344–346a).
2 The apprenticeship contract shall be entered into for the full duration of the VET programme. If work-based training involves apprenticeships in various companies, then several apprenticeship contracts may be entered into to cover the duration of each successive apprenticeship.
3 The apprenticeship contract must be approved by the local cantonal authority. No fees may be charged for such approval.
4 If the apprenticeship contract is terminated, the host company providing work-based training must notify the local cantonal authority and, if applicable, the VET school without delay.
5 If a host company ceases its activities or no longer provides work-based training in accordance with statutory provisions, the Cantons shall ensure that learners are able to complete their VET programme in the proper manner.
6 The provisions of this Act apply even if an apprenticeship contract is not signed, is not submitted for approval or is submitted late for approval.
(1) SR 220Es besteht kein Anspruch auf Aktualität und Vollständigkeit/Richtigkeit.