Art. 45 SCC from 2024
Art. 45 2. Supervisory authorities
1 Each canton shall appoint a supervisory authority.
2 In particular, the supervisory authority shall perform the following tasks:1. it supervises the register offices;2. it supports and advises the register offices;3. it assists in maintaining the civil register and in carrying out the preparatory procedure for weddings;4. it issues directives on recognition and recording of matters relating to civil status that occur abroad and of foreign judicial and administrative decisions concerning civil status;5. it provides for the basic and continuing education and training of persons working in the civil register service.
3 The Confederation is responsible for oversight. It may have recourse to cantonal appeal procedures against the decisions of the registrars and the supervisory authorities. (1)
(1) Amended by No I of the FA of 5 Oct. 2001 (Electronic civil register), in force since 1 July 2004 ([AS 2004 2911]; [BBl 2001 1639]).
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