Federal Constitution of the Swiss Confederation (FCSC) Art. 126

Zusammenfassung der Rechtsnorm FCSC:

Art. 126 FCSC from 2024

Art. 126 Federal Constitution of the Swiss Confederation (FCSC) drucken

Art. 126 Financial System (1) Financial management

1 The Confederation shall maintain its income and expenditure in balance over time.

2 The ceiling for total expenditure that is to be approved in the budget is based on the expected income after taking account of the economic situation.

3 Exceptional financial requirements may justify an appropriate increase in the ceiling in terms of paragraph 2. The Federal Assembly shall decide on any increase in accordance with Article 159 paragraph 3 letter c.

4 If the total expenditure in the federal accounts exceeds the ceiling in terms of paragraphs 2 or 3, compensation for this additional expenditure must be made in subsequent years.

5 The details are regulated by law.

(1) Adopted by the popular vote on 2 Dec. 2001, in force since 2 Dec. 2001 (FedD of 22 June 2001, FCD of 4 Feb. 2002; AS 2002 241; BBl 2000 4653, 2001 2387 2878, 2002 1209).

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Anwendung im Bundesverwaltungsgericht

C-1875/2012EinreiseverbotEinreisesperre; Bundes; Urteil; Quot;; Gericht; Verfügung; Verurteilung; Recht; Ausländer; Bundesverwaltungsgericht; Beschwerdeführers; Schweiz; Sicherheit; Basel; Stadt; Stellung; Vorinstanz; Urteil; Fernhaltemassnahme; Gefahr; Über; Interesse; Basel-Stadt; Massnahme; Stellungnahme; Taten; Österreich; Zeitpunkt; ässig
C-4304/2010EinreiseverbotBundes; Einreise; Verfügung; Schweiz; Ausländer; Schengen; Einreisesperre; Urteil; Recht; Bundesverwaltungsgericht; Freiheitsstrafe; Richter; Vorinstanz; Vollzug; Fernhaltemassnahme; Verfahren; Bundesgesetz; Assoziierung; Staat; Richterin; Migration; Massnahme; Informationssystem; Botschaft; Hinweis; Bundesgesetzes

Kommentare zum Gesetzesartikel

Pierre Tschannen 2. A., Zürich2008