Agriculture Act (AgricA)

Introduction LwG

The Swiss Agricultural Law regulates agricultural production and the promotion of agriculture in Switzerland. It lays down the principles for sustainable and environmentally friendly agriculture and regulates the protection of animals and plants. The law contains provisions to promote the quality of agricultural products, as well as to ensure food security. It also regulates the support of agricultural enterprises and the promotion of innovations in agriculture. The Agriculture Act is an important instrument for securing the livelihood of many farming families in Switzerland and for preserving the cultural landscape.

The articles LwG

Art. 1 General Principles
Art. 2 Federal measures
Art. 3 Definition and scope of application
Art. 4 Difficult production and living conditions
Art. 6a Nutrient losses
Art. 6b Reduction of the risks from the use of plant protection products
Art. 5 Incomes
Art. 6 Framework for payments
Art. 7 General Conditions for Production and Sales
Art. 8 General Economic ProvisionsSection 1 Quality, Sales Promotion and Market Relief
Art. 8a Guideline prices
Art. 9 Support for self-help measures
Art. 10 Quality regulations
Art. 11 Improving quality and sustainability
Art. 12 Sales promotion
Art. 13 Market relief
Art. 14 Labelling
Art. 15 Production methods and specific product characteristics
Art. 16
Art. 16a Indications of particular characteristics or production methods
Art. 16b Protection of designations of origin and geographical indications outside Switzerland
Art. 17 Imports
Art. 18 Measures regarding products obtained using production methods banned in Switzerland
Art. 19 Customs tariffs
Art. 19a Specific use of income from customs duties
Art. 20 Threshold prices
Art. 21 Tariff quotas
Art. 22 Allocation of tariff quotas
Art. 23 Compensatory payments and charges
Art. 24 Import permits, protective measures
Art. 25 Voluntary contributions
Art. 26 …
Art. 27
Art. 27a Gene Technology
Art. 27b Patented Aids to Production and Agricultural Capital Goods
Art. 28
Art. 29
Art. 3036 …
Art. 36a
Art. 37 Standard Contract for the Milk Sector
Art. 38 Market Support
Art. 39 Additional payment for non-use of silage
Art. 40 Additional payment for commercial milk
Art. 41
Art. 43 Special Measures
Art. 44
Art. 45 Payment for collaboration
Art. 46 Animal HusbandrySection 1 Structural Guidance
Art. 47
Art. 48 Allocation of tariff quotas
Art. 49 Classification by quality
Art. 50 Subsidising measures to relieve the meat market
Art. 51 Delegation of public tasks
Art. 51bis Sale of sheep’s wool
Art. 52 Subsidies for domestic egg production
Art. 53
Art. 54 Arable Farming
Art. 55 Additional payment for grain
Art. 56
Art. 57
Art. 58 Fruit
Art. 59
Art. 60 Permits and registration of vine planting
Art. 61 Register of vineyards
Art. 62 Register of grape varieties
Art. 63 Classification
Art. 64 Verification
Art. 65
Art. 66
Art. 6769
Art. 70 Direct PaymentsChapter 1 General Provisions
Art. 70a Requirements
Art. 70b Special requirements for summer pastures
Art. 71 Subsidies
Art. 72 Subsidies for ensuring supplies
Art. 73 Biodiversity subsidies
Art. 74 Subsidies for the quality of the landscape
Art. 75 Subsidies for production systems
Art. 76 Subsidies for the efficient use of resources
Art. 77 Bridging subsidies
Art. 77a Sustainable Use of Natural Resources
Art. 77b Level of subsidies
Art. 78 Basic principle
Art. 79 Granting of support to farmers
Art. 80 Requirements
Art. 81 Approval by the FOAG
Art. 82 Repayment in the case of a profit on a sale
Art. 83 Calling in the loan
Art. 84 Administrative costs
Art. 85 Appropriation of repaid debts and interest
Art. 86 Losses
Art. 86a Support for Re-Training
Art. 87 Structural ImprovementsChapter 1 General Provisions
Art. 88
Art. 89 Requirements for measures concerning individual farms
Art. 89a Neutrality in relation to competition
Art. 90 Protection of objects of national importance
Art. 91 Repayment in the case of a profit on a sale
Art. 92 Monitoring
Art. 93 SubsidiesSection 1 Granting of Subsidies
Art. 94 Terms
Art. 95 Land improvements
Art. 96 Agricultural buildings
Art. 97 Project approval
Art. 97a Programme agreements
Art. 98 Funding
Art. 99 Connection with Other Works, Reapportionment of Land
Art. 100 Prescribed land reapportionment
Art. 101 Contractual land reapportionment
Art. 102 Security for Structural Improvements
Art. 103 Maintenance and use
Art. 104 Entry in the land register
Art. 105 Investment Loans
Art. 106 Investment loans for measures for individual farms
Art. 107 Investment loans for communal measures
Art. 107a Investment loans for small businesses
Art. 108 Approval
Art. 109 Calling in a loan
Art. 110 Appropriation of repayments and interest
Art. 111 Losses
Art. 112 Administrative expenses
Art. 113 Basic Principle
Art. 114 Research stations
Art. 115
Art. 116
Art. 117 The Agricultural Research Committee
Art. 118135 …
Art. 136 Tasks and organisation
Art. 137
Art. 139
Art. 140 Horticulture
Art. 141 Livestock Breeding
Art. 142 Subsidies
Art. 143 Requirements
Art. 144 Recognition of organisations
Art. 145
Art. 146 Import requirements relating to livestock breeding and genealogy
Art. 146a Genetically modified livestock
Art. 147
Art. 147a Genetic Resources for Agriculture and Food Production
Art. 147b Access to genetic resources and allocation of advantages
Art. 148
Art. 148a Preventive Measures
Art. 149 Plant ProtectionSection 1 Basic Principles
Art. 150 Cantons
Art. 151 Principles of plant protection
Art. 152 Special Measures
Art. 153 Preventive measures
Art. 154 Cost of Combating Harmful Organisms
Art. 155 Liability of the Confederation
Art. 156 Compensation for damage
Art. 157 Subsidies
Art. 158 Term and scope of application
Art. 159 Principles
Art. 159a Regulations concerning import, circulation and use
Art. 160 Compulsory approval
Art. 160a Imports
Art. 161 Labelling and packaging
Art. 162 Catalogues of plant varieties
Art. 163 Regulations for isolation
Art. 164 Turnover statistics
Art. 165 Information
Art. 165a Further ProvisionsChapter 1 Preventive Measures
Art. 165b Compulsory Tolerance of the Management of Fallow Land
Art. 165c Information Systems
Art. 165d Information system for monitoring data
Art. 165e Geographical information system
Art. 165f Central information system for the movement of fertilisers
Art. 165g Provisions for implementation
Art. 165gbis Information system for animal data
Art. 165h Intellectual Property
Art. 166 Rights of Appeal, Administrative Measures and Criminal ProvisionsChapter 1 Rights of Appeal
Art. 167
Art. 168 Opposition procedure
Art. 169 Administrative Measures
Art. 170 Reduction and withdrawal of subsidies
Art. 171 Repayment of subsidies
Art. 171a Contra transactions by dominant undertakings
Art. 172 Criminal Provisions
Art. 173 Contraventions
Art. 174 Associations and legal entities
Art. 175 Prosecution
Art. 176 Exclusion of Articles 37–39 of the Subsidies Act
Art. 177 Final ProvisionsChapter 1 Implementation
Art. 177a International agreements
Art. 177b Commercial services
Art. 178 The cantons
Art. 179 General supervision by the Confederation
Art. 180 Cooperation between organisations and businesses
Art. 181 Controls
Art. 182 Prosecution of infringements
Art. 183 Mandatory provision of information
Art. 184 Administrative assistance between the authorities
Art. 185
Art. 186 Advisory committee
Art. 187 Transitional Provisions
Art. 187a
Art. 187b Transitional provisions to the Amendment 20 June 2003
Art. 187c Transitional provisions to the Amendment of 22 June 2007
Art. 187d Transitional provisions to the Amendment of 22 March 2013
Art. 188 Referendum and Commencement