Federal Constitution of the Swiss Confederation (FCSC) Art. 87a

Zusammenfassung der Rechtsnorm FCSC:

Art. 87a FCSC from 2024

Art. 87a Federal Constitution of the Swiss Confederation (FCSC) drucken

Art. 87a (1) Railway infrastructure (2) *

1 The Confederation shall bear the principal burden of financing railway infrastructure.

2 Railway infrastructure shall be financed from a fund. The following resources shall be allocated to the fund:

  • a. a maximum of two thirds of the revenue from the heavy vehicle charge under Article 85;
  • b. the revenue from the increase in value added tax under Article 130 paragraph 3bis;
  • c. 2.0 per cent of the receipts from the direct federal taxation of private individuals;
  • d. 2,300 million francs each year from the general federal budget; the indexation of this amount shall be regulated by law.
  • 3 The Cantons shall participate appropriately in the financing of railway infrastructure. The details shall be regulated by law.

    4 The law may provide for additional financing from third parties.

    (1) Adopted by the popular vote on 9 Feb. 2014, in force since 1 Jan. 2016 (FedD of 20 June 2013, FCD of 13 May 2014, FCD of 2 June 2014, FCD of 6 June 2014; AS 2015 645; BBl 2010 6637, 2012 1577, 2013 4725 6518, 2014 4113 4117).
    (2) * With transitional provision.

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