Copyright Act (CopA) Art. 69a

Zusammenfassung der Rechtsnorm CopA:

Art. 69a CopA from 2022

Art. 69a Copyright Act (CopA) drucken

Art. 69a (1) Offences relating to technical protection measures and to rights- management information

1 On the complaint of the person whose protection has been violated, any person who wilfully and unlawfully commits any of the following acts is liable to a monetary penalty:

  • a. circumvents effective technological measures under Article 39 paragraph 2 with the intention of illegally using works or other protected subject-matter;
  • b. manufactures, imports, offers, transfers or otherwise distributes, rents, gives or advertises for use, or possesses for commercial purposes devices, products or components, or provides services which:
  • 1. are the subject-matter of sales promotion, advertising or marketing with the goal of circumventing effective technological measures,
  • 2. have only a limited commercially significant purpose or use other than the circumvention of effective technological measures, or
  • 3. are primarily designed, manufactured, adapted or performed for the purpose of enabling or facilitating the circumvention of effective technological measures;
  • c. removes or alters electronic rights management information on copyright and related rights under Article 39c paragraph 2;
  • d. reproduces, imports, offers, transfers or otherwise distributes, broadcasts or makes perceptible or available works or other protected subject-matter on which electronic rights management information under Articles 39c paragraph 2 have been removed or altered.
  • 2 Any person who has committed any act mentioned in paragraph 1 for commercial gain shall be prosecuted ex officio. The penalty is a custodial sentence not exceeding one year or a monetary penalty.

    3 Acts under paragraph 1 letter c and d are only liable to prosecution where they are carried out by a person who is known or, under the circumstances, should be known, for instigating, enabling, facilitating or concealing infringements of copyright or related rights.

    (1) Inserted by Art. 2 of the FD of 5 Oct. 2007, in force since 1 July 2008 (AS 2008 2497; BBl 2006 3389).

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    Art. 69a Copyright Act (URG) - Anwendung bei den Gerichten

    Anwendung im Kantonsgericht

    Dieser Gesetzesartikel wurde bei folgenden kantonalen Gerichtsentscheiden referenziert/angewendet (nicht abschliessend):

    ZHUE120090Nichtanhandnahme Recht; Forschung; Anzeige; Beschwer; Urheber; Verfügung; Geschädigte; Person; Urheberrecht; Rechtsmittel; Anzeige; Rechte; Untersuchung; Verfahren; Rechten; Sachverhalt; Staatsanwalt; Sachverhalte; Antrag; Kammer; Sinne; Eigentum; Urheberrechts; Nationalfonds; Kanton
    SZBEK 2017 162Nichtanhandnahme (Art. 143 und 143bis StGB, Art. 67 Abs. 1 URG und Art. 5 URG)Staatsanwalt; Staatsanwaltschaft; Verfügung; Rechtsanwalt; Sicherheit; Kantons; Nichtanhandnahme; KG-act; Frist; Kantonsgerichtsvizepräsident; Sicherheitsleistung; Bundesgericht; Beschuldigte; Berufungsgegnerinnen; Nichtanhandnahmeverfügung; Untersuchung; Schwyz; Widerhandlung; Nichteintretens; Mitwirkend; Heizmann; Sachen; Privatklägerin; Kantonale; Postfach; Sicherheitsstützpunkt; Biberbrugg; Bennau

    Anwendung im Bundesverwaltungsgericht

    B-86/2020Glücksspiele und SpielbankenQuot;; Vorinstanz; Spiel; Bundes; Fernmeldedienst; Zugang; Interne; Internet; Recht; Sperrliste; Geldspiel; Botschaft; Fernmeldedienstanbieter; Verfügung; Fernmeldedienstanbieterinnen; Richt; Zugangs; Allgemeinverfügung; Urteil; Sperrlisten; Sperre; Behörde; Schweiz; Anbieter; Angebot; Nutzer; Massnahme