Art. 63a FCSC from 2024
Art. 63a (1) Higher education institutions
1 The Confederation shall manage the Federal Institutes of Technology. It may establish, take over or manage additional universities and other higher education institutions.
2 It shall support the cantonal universities and may make financial contributions to other higher education institutions that it recognises.
3 The Confederation and the Cantons are jointly responsible for the coordination and guarantee of quality in Swiss higher education. In fulfilling this responsibility, they shall take account of the autonomy of the universities and the various bodies responsible for them and ensure the equal treatment of institutions with the same functions.
4 In order to fulfil their duties, the Confederation and the Cantons shall enter into agreements and delegate certain powers to joint administrative authorities. The law shall regulate the powers that may be delegated, and determine the principles governing the organisation of and procedures for coordination.
5 If the Confederation and the Cantons fail to reach their common goals by means of coordination, the Confederation shall issue regulations on levels of studies and the transition from one level to another, on postgraduate education and on the recognition of institutions and qualifications. In addition, the Confederation may impose standard funding principles for subsidising of universities, and may make subsidies contingent on universities sharing particularly cost-intensive activities.
(1) Adopted by the popular vote on 21 May 2006, in force since 21 May 2006 (FedD of 16 Dec. 2005, FCD of 27 July 2006; AS 2006 3033; BBl 2005 5479 5547 7273, 2006 6725).Anwendung im Bundesverwaltungsgericht
BVGE | Leitsatz | Schlagwörter |
A-4366/2020 | Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule (Ohne Personal) | Prüfung; Quot;; Beschwerde; Disziplinarordnung; Disziplinarmassnahme; Recht; Vorinstanz; Entscheid; Prüfungsblock; Bundes; Disziplinarmassnahmen; Mobiltelefon; Leistungskontrolle; Beschwerdeführer; Basisprüfung; Beschwerdeführers; Massnahme; Verfügung; Grundlage; Verschulden; Ausschluss; Materialwissenschaft; Prüfungsblocks; Verwaltung; Bundesverwaltungsgericht; Rektor; Weisung |
A-3823/2016 | Aufsichtsmittel | Vorsorge; Vorsorgeeinrichtung; Aufsicht; Vorsorgeeinrichtungen; Bundes; Recht; Einrichtungen; Oberaufsicht; Wohlfahrtsfonds; Gebühr; Abgabe; Stiftung; Freizügigkeit; Ermessen; Freizügigkeits; Bundesverwaltungsgericht; Bundesrat; Oberaufsichtsabgabe; Zweck; Aufsichtsbehörde; Vorinstanz; Urteil; Gebühren; Verordnung; Anzahl; Aufsichtsabgabe; Säule; Vorsorgeeinrichtungen“; Verfahren |