Art. 51 PPA from 2024
Art. 51 Rights of appeal Notification of decisions
1 The contracting authority shall notify the tenderers of its decisions by publication or individual notification. The tenderers have no right to be heard before the decision is notified.
2 Appealable decisions must be summarily substantiated and include instructions on rights of appeal.
3 The summary substantiation for an award shall include:a. the type of procedure and the name of the successful tenderer;b. the total price of the successful tender or, by way of exception, the lowest and highest total prices of the tenders submitted in the award procedure; c. the decisive features and advantages of the successful tender;d. where applicable, the rationale for using the direct award procedure.
4 The contracting authority may not disclose any information if disclosure would:a. violate applicable law or harm public interests;b. prejudice legitimate economic interests of the tenderers; orc. jeopardise fair competition between the tenderers.
Es besteht kein Anspruch auf Aktualität und Vollständigkeit/Richtigkeit.