Federal Act on Public Procurement (PPA) Art. 47

Zusammenfassung der Rechtsnorm PPA:

Art. 47 PPA from 2024

Art. 47 Federal Act on Public Procurement (PPA) drucken

Art. 47 Shortening of the deadlines within the scope of international treaties

1 The contracting authority may reduce the minimum deadlines set out in Article 46 paragraph 2 to no shorter than 10 days in cases of proven urgency.

2 It may reduce the minimum 40-day deadline for submitting tenders under Article 46 paragraph 2 by 5 days if:

  • a. the invitation to tender is published electronically;
  • b. the tender documentation is simultaneously published electronically;
  • c. tenders are received electronically.
  • 3 It may reduce the minimum 40-day period for submitting tenders under Article 46 paragraph 2 to no shorter than 10 days, provided it has published a prior notice with the following content at least 40 days and no more than 12 months before publication of the invitation to tender:

  • a. subject of the intended procurement;
  • b. approximate timeframe for submitting tenders or requests to participate;
  • c. the fact that interested tenderers should inform the contracting authority of their interest in the procurement;
  • d. where the tender documentation can be obtained;
  • e. all other information under Article 35 that is already available at that time.
  • 4 It may reduce the minimum 40-day period for submitting tenders under Article 46 paragraph 2 to no shorter than 10 days if it is procuring goods, work or services required on a recurring basis and given notice of the shortening of the period in an earlier invitation to tender.

    5 Furthermore, the contracting authority may in any event reduce the deadline for submitting tenders to no shorter than 13 days when purchasing commercial goods, work or services or a combination of the two, provided it electronically publishes the tender documentation together with the invitation to tender. If the contracting authority accepts tenders for commercial goods, work or services electronically, it may also reduce the deadline to no shorter than 10 days.

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