Federal Act on the Amendment of the Swiss Civil Code (OR) Art. 34
Zusammenfassung der Rechtsnorm OR:
The Swiss Code of Obligations is a central code of Swiss civil law that regulates the legal relationships between private individuals. It includes five books that cover various aspects of contract law, law of obligations and property law, including the formation, content and termination of contracts, as well as liability for breach of contract and tort. The Code of Obligations is an important code of law for business and everyday life in Switzerland, as it forms the basis for many legal relationships and contracts and has been in force since 1912, whereby it is regularly adapted to social and economic developments.
Art. 34 OR from 2024
Art. 34 Authority arising from a transaction a. Restriction and revocation
1 A principal authorising another to act on his behalf by means of a transaction may restrict or revoke such authority at any time without prejudice to any rights acquired by those involved under existing legal relationships, such as an individual contract of employment, a partnership agreement or a mandate. (1)
2 Any advance waiver of this right by the principal is void.
3 Where the represented party has expressly or de facto announced the authority he has conferred, he may not invoke its total or partial revocation against a third party acting in good faith unless he has likewise announced such revocation.
(1) Amended by No II Art. 1 No 1 of the FA of 25 June 1971, in force since 1 Jan. 1972 ([AS 1971 1465]; [BBl 1967 II 241]). See also the Final and Transitional Provisions of Title X, at the end of this Code.
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