Art. 310 SCC from 2024

Art. 310 (1)
1 Where there is no other way to avert a threat to the child’s best interests, the child protection authority must remove the child from the parents or from any third parties with whom he or she is staying and place the child in a suitable location.
2 At the request of the parents or the child, the child protection authority must do likewise if relations between them have deteriorated to the extent that it is no longer conscionable for the child to remain in the family home and provided no other practical remedy is available in the circumstances.
3 Where a child has lived for some length of time with foster parents, the child protection authority may forbid the parents to take the child back if such action might pose a serious risk to the child’s development.
Es besteht kein Anspruch auf Aktualität und Vollständigkeit/Richtigkeit.