Art. 23 SCC from 2024

Art. 23 Withdrawal and active repentance
1 If the person concerned of his own accord does not complete the criminal act or if he assists in preventing the completion of the act, the court may reduce the sentence or waive any penalty.
2 If two or more persons carry out or participate in a criminal act, the court may reduce the sentence or waive any penalty in respect of any person concerned who, of his own accord, assists in preventing the completion of the act.
3 The court may also reduce the sentence or waive any penalty in respect of a person who withdraws from carrying out or participating in a criminal act if the withdrawal of the person concerned would have prevented the completion of the act had it not remained uncompleted for other reasons.
4 If one or more of the persons carrying out or participating in a criminal act makes a serious effort to prevent the completion of the act, the court may reduce the sentence or waive any penalty if an offence is committed irrespective of the efforts of that person or persons.
Es besteht kein Anspruch auf Aktualität und Vollständigkeit/Richtigkeit.