BBG () Art. 23

Zusammenfassung der Rechtsnorm :

Art. 23 from 2024

Art. 23 BBG () drucken

Art. 23 Branch courses and similar third-party training courses

1 Branch courses and similar third-party training courses are designed to enable the transfer and acquisition of basic know-how. These courses are intended to complement the workplace training and classroom instruction segments of VET programmes if such additional training meets the needs of the occupational activity.

2 Working with professional organisations, the Cantons shall ensure that an adequate number of branch courses or similar third-party training courses are made available.

3 Attendance of branch courses is mandatory. At the request of the host company, the Cantons may free learners from their obligation to attend a branch course if the course content is already covered by another course that the learner is attending in a company training centre or upper-secondary level trade school.

4 Anyone who organises branch courses or similar third-party training courses may ask the host companies or VET school involved to pay a proportionate share of the costs. In order to avoid competitive distortions, professional organisations that organise branch courses or similar third-party training courses may ask non-member companies to pay a higher share of the costs.

5 The Federal Council shall establish the cost sharing framework and scope.

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Anwendung im Verwaltungsgericht

AGAGVE 2013 99AGVE - Archiv 2013 Berufsbildung 513 II. Berufsbildung 99 Schulortszuweisung Lehrbetriebe haben nur ausnahmsweise ein eigenes...Beruf; Berufs; Kanton; Lernende; Bundes; Leistung; Lernenden; Angebot; Beschwerdeführer; Beschwerdeführers; Leistungsvereinbarung; Berufsbildung; Blockkurse; Schule; Fachkurse; Interesse; Berufsfachschule; Ausbildung; Besuch; Bildung; Regierungsrat; Betrieb; Kantone; Bundesamt; Schulort; Blockkursen; Verein; Recht
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