Federal Constitution of the Swiss Confederation (FCSC) Art. 10a

Zusammenfassung der Rechtsnorm FCSC:

Art. 10a FCSC from 2024

Art. 10a Federal Constitution of the Swiss Confederation (FCSC) drucken

Art. 10a (1) Ban on covering the face (2) *

1 No person may cover their face in public spaces or in places that are accessible to the public or where services are offered to anyone wishing to partake of them; the ban does not apply to places of worship.

2 No person may force another person to cover their face on the grounds of their sex.

3 The law shall provide for exceptions. These may only be justified on the grounds of health, safety, weather conditions or local custom.

(1) Adopted by the popular vote on 7 March 2021, in force since 7 March 2021 (FedD of 19 June 2020, FCD of 31 May 2021 – AS 2021 310; BBl 2017 6447; 2019 2913; 2020 5507; 2021 1185).
(2) * With transitional provision.

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Art. 10a Federal Constitution of the Swiss Confederation (BV) - Anwendung bei den Gerichten

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