Lescha davart il dretg da burgais (SCA)

Introduction BüG

The Swiss Civil Rights Act regulates the conditions and procedures for the acquisition and loss of Swiss citizenship. It determines who is recognized as a Swiss citizen and what rights and obligations are associated with it. The law also regulates the naturalization of foreigners and the conditions that they must fulfill in order to obtain Swiss citizenship. In addition, the Civil Rights Act contains provisions on protection against expatriation and the possibility of re-citizenship for persons who have lost their Swiss citizenship. Overall, the Civil Rights Act serves to regulate the rights and obligations of Swiss citizens and to ensure the unity and stability of the Swiss state system.

The articles BüG

Art. 1 Acquisition and Loss of Citizenship by LawChapter 1 Acquisition by Law
Art. 2 Cantonal and communal citizenship
Art. 3 Foundlings
Art. 4 Adoption
Art. 5 Loss of Citizenship by Law
Art. 6 Loss by adoption
Art. 7 Loss by being born abroad
Art. 8 Cantonal and communal citizenship
Art. 9 Acquisition by NaturalisationSection 1 Ordinary Naturalisation
Art. 10 Requirements in the case of a registered partnership
Art. 11 Material requirements
Art. 12 Criteria for integration
Art. 13 Naturalisation procedure
Art. 14 Cantonal naturalisation decision
Art. 15 Procedure in the canton
Art. 16 Obligation to state reasons
Art. 17 Protection of privacy
Art. 18 Cantonal and communal length of residence
Art. 19 Honorary citizenship
Art. 20 Simplified Naturalisation
Art. 21 Wife of a Swiss man or husband of a Swiss woman
Art. 22 Persons who erroneously believe they are Swiss citizens
Art. 23 Stateless children
Art. 24 Children of a naturalised parent
Art. 24a Third generation immigrants
Art. 25 Jurisdiction and procedure
Art. 26 Reinstatement of Citizenship
Art. 27 Reinstatement of citizenship following forfeiture, relief or loss of citizenship
Art. 28 Effect
Art. 29 Jurisdiction and procedure
Art. 30 Common Provisions
Art. 31 Minor children
Art. 32 Majority
Art. 33 Residence
Art. 34 Cantonal enquiries
Art. 35 Fees
Art. 36 Declaration of nullity
Art. 37 Loss by Official DecreeSection 1 Relief of Citizenship
Art. 38 Inclusion of children
Art. 39 Certificate of relief of citizenship
Art. 40 Fees
Art. 41 Multiple cantonal citizenships
Art. 42 Revocation
Art. 43 Declaratory Procedure
Art. 44 Processing of Personal Data and Administrative Assistance
Art. 45 Administrative assistance
Art. 46 Rights of Appeal
Art. 47 Appeal at federal level
Art. 48 Final ProvisionsChapter 1Implementation and Repeal and Amendment of Other Legislation
Art. 49 Repeal and amendment of other legislation
Art. 50 Transitional Provisions
Art. 51 Acquisition of Swiss citizenship under the transitional law
Art. 51a Transitional provision to the Amendment of 30 September 2016
Art. 52 Referendum and Commencement