Swiss Civil Code (SCC) Art. 779i

Zusammenfassung der Rechtsnorm SCC:

Art. 779i SCC from 2024

Art. 779i Swiss Civil Code (SCC) drucken

Art. 779i 1. Right to establish a lien (1)

1 Provided the building right is recorded in the land register, the landowner is entitled to established a lien thereon against each current holder as security for up to three annual payments.

2 Where the remuneration does not consist of equal annual payments, the landowner is entitled to record a statutory lien for an amount aggregating three annual payments.

(1) Inserted by section I of the FA of 19 March 1965, in force since 1 July 1965 (AS 1965 445; BBl 1963 I 969).

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