Art. 62 FNIA from 2024
Art. 62 (1) Revocation of permits and other rulings
1 The competent authority may revoke permits, with the exception of a settlement permit, and other rulings under this Act if the foreign national:a. or their representative in the permit procedure makes false statements or conceals material facts;b. has been given a long custodial sentence or has been made subject to a criminal measure in terms of Articles 59–61 or 64 of the SCC (2) ;c. has seriously or repeatedly violated or represents a threat to public security and order in Switzerland or abroad or represents a threat to internal or external security;d. fails to fulfil an obligation linked to the decision;e. or a person they must care for is dependent on social assistance;f. (3) has attempted to obtain Swiss citizenship unlawfully or his or her Swiss citizenship has been revoked based on a legally binding ruling issued in connection with a declaration of nullity under Article 36 of the Swiss Citizenship Act of 20 June 2014 (4) ;g. (5) does not comply with an integration agreement without due cause.
2 Revocation is not permitted if justified solely by conviction for an offence for which a sentence or measure has been imposed, where the court has refrained from imposing an order for expulsion from Switzerland.
(1) Amended by No IV 3 of the FA of 19 June 2015 (Amendment to the Law of Criminal Sanctions), in force since 1 Jan. 2018 ([AS 2016 1249]; [BBl 2012 4721]).
(2) [SR 311.0]
(3) Inserted by Annex No II 1 of the Swiss Citizenship Act of 20 June 2014, in force since 1 Jan. 2018 ([AS 2016 2561]; [BBl 2011 2825]).
(4) [SR 141.0]
(5) Inserted by No I of the FA of 16 Dec. 2016 (Integration), in force since 1 Jan. 2019 ([AS 2017 6521], [2018 3171]; [BBl 2013 2397], [2016 2821]). Correction by the FA Drafting Committee of 10 Aug. 2018, published on 18 Sept. 2018 ([AS 2018 3213]).
Es besteht kein Anspruch auf Aktualität und Vollständigkeit/Richtigkeit.