Swiss Criminal Code (SCC) Art. 354

Zusammenfassung der Rechtsnorm SCC:

Art. 354 SCC from 2025

Art. 354 Swiss Criminal Code (SCC) drucken

Art. 354 Cooperation in connection with the identification of persons (1)

1 The responsible department shall register and store biometric criminal records data recorded and transmitted to the department by cantonal, federal and foreign authorities in connection with criminal proceedings or in fulfilment of other statutory duties. This data may be used for comparison purposes to identify a wanted or unknown person.

2 The following authorities may use and process data in terms of paragraph 1:

  • a. the Federal Office of Police;
  • b. the State Secretariat for Migration (SEM);
  • c. the Federal Office of Justice;
  • d. the Federal Office for Customs and Border Security (2) ;
  • e. the Swiss representations abroad responsible for issuing visas;
  • f. the Federal Intelligence Service;
  • g. the cantonal police authorities;
  • h. the cantonal migration authorities. (3)
  • 3 Personal data that relates data in accordance with paragraph 1 shall be processed in separate information systems; the procedure is subject to the provisions of the Federal Act of 13 June 2008 (4) on Federal Police Information Systems, the Asylum Act of 26 June 1998 (5) and the Foreign Nationals and Integration Act of 16 December 2005 (6) and the Customs Act of 18 March 2005 (7) .

    4 The data may be used:

  • a. until the expiry of the deadlines for the deletion of DNA profiles specified in Articles 16–19 des DNA Profiling Act of 20 June 2003 (8) ; or
  • b. (9) in the case of a conviction for a contravention: for up to five years from the date of the judgment, provided the judgment is final. (10)
  • 5 The Federal Council shall regulate the details, and in particular the retention period for data that is recorded outside criminal proceedings, the deletion procedure and cooperation with the cantons. It shall regulate the transmission of criminal records data by the competent federal authorities and the cantons. (10)

    6 SEM or the Federal Office of Police (fedpol) may transmit the data in an automated procedure to the national section of the Schengen Information System (SIS) for the purpose of issuing alerts. (12)

    (1) Amended by Annex 1 No 3 of the Criminal Records Register Act of 17 June 2016, in force since 23 Jan. 2023 (AS 2022 600; BBl 2014 5713).
    (2) The name of this administrative unit was changed in application of Art. 20 para. 2 of the Publications Ordinance of 7 Oct. 2015 (SR 170.512.1).
    (3) Amended by Annex 2 No 1 of the FedD of 18 Dec. 2020 on the Approval and Implementation of the Exchange of Notes between Switzerland and the EU relating to the Adoption of the Legislation on the Establishment, Operation and Use of the Schengen Information System (SIS), in force since 23 Jan. 2023 (AS 2021 365; 2022 638; BBl 2020 3465).
    (4) SR 361
    (5) SR 142.31
    (6) SR 142.20
    (7) SR 631.0
    (8) SR 363
    (9) Amended by Annex No 1 of the FA of 17 Dec. 2021, in force since 1 Aug. 2023 (AS 2023 309; BBl 2021 44).
    (10) (11)
    (11) Amended by Annex 2 No 1 of the FedD of 18 Dec. 2020 on the Approval and Implementation of the Exchange of Notes between Switzerland and the EU relating to the Adoption of the Legislation on the Establishment, Operation and Use of the Schengen Information System (SIS), in force since 23. Jan. 2023 (AS 2021 365; 2022 638; BBl 2020 3465).
    (12) Inserted by Annex 2 No 1 of the FedD of 18 Dec. 2020 on the Approval and Implementation of the Exchange of Notes between Switzerland and the EU relating to the Adoption of the Legislation on the Establishment, Operation and Use of the Schengen Information System (SIS), in force since 23. Jan. 2023 (AS 2021 365; 2022 638; BBl 2020 3465).

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    Art. 354 Swiss Criminal Code (StGB) - Anwendung bei den Gerichten

    Anwendung im Kantonsgericht

    Dieser Gesetzesartikel wurde bei folgenden kantonalen Gerichtsentscheiden referenziert/angewendet (nicht abschliessend):

    ZHSU120051einfache Verletzung der VerkehrsregelnBeschuldigte; Berufung; Verfahren; Statthalter; Statthalteramt; Verteidiger; Beschuldigten; Verfahren; Urteil; Entschädigung; Vorinstanz; Prozessentschädigung; Verteidigung; Befehl; Person; Gericht; Verfahrens; Entscheid; Beizug; Anwalt; Übertretung; Anwalts; Bülach; Untersuchung; Verteidigers; Hinsicht; Recht; Gerichtskasse; AnwGebV
    GRSF-06-27-Angeklagte; Heroin; Gramm; Angeklagten; Gefängnis; Widerhandlung; Staat; Schweiz; Probezeit; Graubünden; Betäubungsmittel; Täter; Menge; BetmG; Staatsanwalt; Vollzug; Verurteilte; Reinheitsgehalt; Drogen; Richter; Kanton; Staatsanwaltschaft; Anklage
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    Anwendung im Bundesgericht

    116 IV 88Art. 351 StGB; aussergewöhnliche Untersuchungskosten. 1. Die Anklagekammer entscheidet auch Streitigkeiten über die Tragung der bis zur Bestimmung des Gerichtsstandes entstandenen Untersuchungskosten (E. 1). 2. In analoger Anwendung von Art. 354 Abs. 1 StGB hat der schliesslich als zuständig erklärte Kanton aussergewöhnliche Untersuchungskosten dem bisher mit den Ermittlungen befassten Kanton zu ersetzen (E. 2). Kanton; Kantons; Gerichtsstand; Untersuchung; Anklagekammer; Verfahren; Staat; Staatsanwaltschaft; Gesuch; Rechtshilfe; Ermittlungen; Behörden; Banken; Handlung; Auftrag; Zuständigkeit; Verfahrens; Sache; Untersuchungskosten; Gerichtsstandes; Verfahren; Bankenkommission; Gesellschaften; Revisionsstelle; Untersuchungsrichter; Entscheid; Handlungen