Federal Act on the Amendment of the Swiss Civil Code (OR) Art. 331e

Zusammenfassung der Rechtsnorm OR:

The Swiss Code of Obligations is a central code of Swiss civil law that regulates the legal relationships between private individuals. It includes five books that cover various aspects of contract law, law of obligations and property law, including the formation, content and termination of contracts, as well as liability for breach of contract and tort. The Code of Obligations is an important code of law for business and everyday life in Switzerland, as it forms the basis for many legal relationships and contracts and has been in force since 1912, whereby it is regularly adapted to social and economic developments.

Art. 331e OR from 2025

Art. 331e Federal Act on the Amendment of the Swiss Civil Code (OR) drucken

Art. 331e Early withdrawal (1)

1 At any time up to three years before becoming entitled to draw retirement benefits, the employee may claim an amount from his benefits scheme for the purpose of acquiring a property for his own personal use.

2 Employees under the age of 50 may withdraw an amount up to the limit of their transferable benefits. Employees aged 50 or older are entitled to withdraw no more than the transferable benefit entitlement they would have had at 50 or one-half of their transferable benefit entitlement at the time of the early withdrawal.

3 The employee may also use such amount for the purpose of acquiring shares in a housing cooperative or similar participatory venture provided a residential unit jointly financed in this manner is for the employee’s own personal use.

4 The early withdrawal brings about an immediate reduction in occupational benefit entitlements in accordance with the benefits scheme regulations and the actuarial basis employed by the benefits scheme. In order to avoid a shortfall in benefits cover resulting from this reduction in benefits in the event of death or disability, the benefits scheme offers supplementary insurance either directly or as broker for a third-party insurer.

5 Married employees may make such an early withdrawal and any subsequent establishment of a charge on immovable property only with the written consent of their spouse. Where the employee cannot obtain such consent or if it is withheld, the employee may apply to the civil courts. The same applies to registered partnerships. (2)

6 Where married persons divorce before the benefits fall due, the early withdrawal is deemed a transferable benefit and is divided in accordance with Article 123 of the Civil Code (3) , Articles 280 and 281 CPO (4) and Articles 22–22b of the Vested Benefits Act of 17 December 1993 (5) . The same applies in the event of judicial dissolution of a registered partnership. (6)

7 If the early withdrawal or pledge of entitlements jeopardises the liquidity of the benefits scheme, the fund may defer execution of the requests concerned. The benefits scheme must lay down in its regulations the order of priority in which early withdrawals or pledges of entitlements will be deferred in such an event. The Federal Council regulates the details.

8 In other respects Articles 30d, 30e, 30g and Article 83a of the Federal Act of 25 June 1982 (7) on Occupational Old Age, Survivors'" and Invalidity Pension Provision are applicable. (2)

(1) Inserted by No II of the FA of 17 Dec. 1993 on the Promotion of Home Ownership using Occupational Pension Benefits, in force since 1 Jan. 1995 (AS 1994 2372; BBl 1992 VI 237).
(2) (8)
(3) SR 210
(4) SR 272
(5) SR 831.42
(6) Amended by Annex 1 of the FA of 19 June 2015 (Pension Equality on Divorce), in force since 1 Jan. 2017 (AS 2016 2313; BBl 2013 4887).
(7) SR 831.40
(8) Amended by Annex No 1 of the FA of 19 June 2015 (Pension Equality on Divorce), in force since 1 Jan. 2017 (AS 2016 2313; BBl 2013 4887).

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Art. 331e Federal Act on the Amendment of the Swiss Civil Code (OR) - Anwendung bei den Gerichten

Anwendung im Kantonsgericht

Dieser Gesetzesartikel wurde bei folgenden kantonalen Gerichtsentscheiden referenziert/angewendet (nicht abschliessend):

SOSGSTA.1998.204Privilegierte Besteuerung von Kapitalleistungen / Fristwahrung WiederherstellungSteuer; Vorsorge; Recht; Frist; Veranlagung; Krankheit; Veranlagungs; Einsprache; Ehegatte; Besteuerung; Kapitalleistung; Hypothek; Sinne; Ehegatten; Veranlagungsverfügung; Ehefrau; Entschuldigungsgr; Handlung; Säule; Steuerpflichtigen; Veranlagungsbehörde; Auszahlung; Fristversäumnis; Rekurs; Vorinstanz; Kapitalleistungen
AGAGVE 2010 15AGVE - Archiv 2010 Versicherungsgericht 63 15 Art. 142 Abs. 1 ZGB; Art. 30c Abs. 5 BVG; Art. 5 Abs. 2, 22 Abs. 2 FZG. Teilung...Teilung; Vorsorge; Versicherungsgericht; Vergleich; Ehegatte; Parteien; Ehegatten; Vorbezug; Beklagten; Scheidungsverfahren; Freizügigkeitsleistung; Freizügigkeitsstiftung; Vorsorgeoder; Teilungsverhältnis; X-Bank; Zustimmung; Anspruch; Vorsorgeausgleich; Freizügigkeitseinrichtung; Schadenersatzpflicht; Hinweise; Rechtsanspruch; Freizügigkeitsleistungen; Scheidungsrichter; Vergleichs; Teilungsausgleich; Erwägungen

Anwendung im Verwaltungsgericht

SOVSKLA.2020.3-Apos; Kinder; Reglement; Kürzung; Kinderrente; Invaliden; Invalidenrente; Leistung; Überentschädigung; Vorbezug; Kinderrenten; Vorsorge; Leistungen; Anspruch; Rente; Alter; Beklagten; WEF-Kürzung; Reglements; Klage; Vorbezugs; Betrag; Kinderzulage; Berechnung; Regel; Kinderzulagen; Regelung; Recht; ätzlich
SGB 2011/163Urteil Sozialhilferecht, Art. 2 Abs. 2 und Art. 9 SHG (sGS 381.1) sowie Art. 30c BVG (SR 831.40) und Art. 646 ff. ZGB (SR 210).Mittel aus der beruflichen Vorsorge dienen zwingend dem Erwerb von Wohneigentum zum Eigenbedarf der versicherten Person und können nicht für die Darlehensgewährung an Verwandte verwendet werden. Aufgrund des Grundsatzes der Subsidiarität der Sozialhilfe kann nicht durch privatrechtliche Abmachungen auf den Gewinn aus dem Verkauf eines Grundstückes verzichtet werden. Der Gewinnanteil ist sozialhilferechtlich als neues Vermögen anzurechnen (Verwaltungsgericht. B 2011/163). Gewinn; Sozialhilfe; Verkauf; Recht; Liegenschaft; Grundstück; Miteigentümer; Grundstücke; Subsidiarität; Leistungen; Miteigentümerin; Miteigentum; Gewinnanteil; Strasse; Ehefrau; Miteigentumsanteil; W-Strasse; Verkaufs; Darlehen; Gewinnbeteiligung; Vorsorge; Gemeinde; Betrag; Richtlinien; Verwaltung; Miteigentumsanteile; Rekurs; Grundsatz; Verwaltungs
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