Zusammenfassung der Rechtsnorm CopA:
Art. 24eCopA from 2023
Art. 24e (1) Inventories
1 Public and publicly accessible libraries, educational institutions, museums, collections and archives may, within their inventories that serve the purposes of describing and making their collections accessible, reproduce short excerpts of the works or copies of works in their collections, provided that this does not impair the normal exploitation of the works.
2 The following parts of works, in particular, are considered short excerpts:a.for literary, scientific and other linguistic works:1.the cover as a small-format, low-resolution image,2.the title,3.the frontispiece,4.the table of contents and bibliography,5.the dust jacket,6.summaries of scientific works;b.for musical and other acoustic works as well as cinematographic and other audio-visual works:1.the cover as a small-format, low-resolution image,2.an extract made publicly available by the rights holders,3.a short extract with a reduced resolution or in a reduced format;c.for works of art, in particular paintings, sculptures and graphic works, as well as photographic and other visual works: the overall view of the work as a small-format, low-resolution image.
(1) Inserted by No I of the FA of 27 Sept. 2019, in force since 1 April 2020 ([AS 2020 1003]; [BBl 2018 591]).
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