Art. 24b (1) Copies for broadcasting purposes
1 If commercially available phonograms or audio-visual fixations are used for broadcasting purposes by broadcasting organisations subject to the Federal Act of 24 March 2006 (2) on Radio and Television, the rights of reproduction of non-theatrical musical works may only be asserted by an authorised collective rights management organisation.
2 Copies produced in accordance with paragraph 1 may neither be transferred nor otherwise distributed; they must be produced by the broadcasting organisation by means of their own facilities. They must be destroyed after they have fulfilled their purpose. Article 11 remains reserved.
(1) Inserted by No 1 of the FA of 5 Oct. 2007, in force since 1 July 2008 (AS 2008 2421; BBl 2006 3389).BVGE | Leitsatz | Schlagwörter |
B-3812/2016 | Urheberrecht | Tarif; Vergütung; Vorinstanz; Urteil; Bundes; Quot;; Lemma; Erhöhung; Fernsehen; Handel; Tarifziff; Handelston; Bundesverwaltungs; Beschluss; Bundesverwaltungsgericht; Verfügung; Handelstonträger; Rückwirkung; Tarifs; Tarife; Deckelung; Nutzer; „Tarif; Entschädigung; Swissperform; Berechtigte; Genehmigung |
B-1298/2014 | Urheberrecht | Quot;; Tarif; Recht; Handel; Vorinstanz; Musik; Handelston; Sendung; Recht; Handelstonträger; Fernseh; Vergütung; Tarifs; Tonbildträger; Urteil; Tonträger; Fernsehen; Swissperform; Vervielfältigung; Darbietung; Verwertung; Quot;Tarif; Beschluss; Sendeunternehmen; Lemma; Zweck; Urheber; änglich |