Federal Act on Public Procurement (PPA) Art. 24

Zusammenfassung der Rechtsnorm PPA:

Art. 24 PPA from 2024

Art. 24 Federal Act on Public Procurement (PPA) drucken

Art. 24 Dialogue

1 In the case of complex contracts, intellectual services or the procurement of innovative goods, work or services, a contracting authority may, within the framework of an open or selective procedure, conduct a dialogue with the aim of specifying the subject of the supply and identifying and defining the solutions or procedures. Reference must be made to the dialogue in the invitation to tender.

2 The dialogue may not be conducted for the purpose of negotiating prices or total prices.

3 The contracting authority formulates and explains its needs and requirements in the invitation to tender or in the tender documentation. It also discloses the following:

  • a. the dialogue process;
  • b. the possible content of the dialogue;
  • c. whether and how tenderers will be compensated for their participation in the dialogue and the use of their intellectual property rights, knowledge and experience;
  • d. the timeframes and arrangements for submitting the final tender.
  • 4 It may reduce the number of participating tenderers by using objective and transparent criteria.

    5 It documents the process and content of the dialogue in an appropriate and comprehensible manner.

    6 The Federal Council may regulate the dialogue arrangements in more detail.

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