Federal Act on Public Procurement (PPA) Art. 23

Zusammenfassung der Rechtsnorm PPA:

Art. 23 PPA from 2024

Art. 23 Federal Act on Public Procurement (PPA) drucken

Art. 23 Electronic auctions

1 The contracting authority may hold an electronic auction for the procurement of standardised goods, work or services within the framework of a procedure under this Act. In this case, the tenders are revised after an initial full evaluation and re-ranked using electronic aids and, if necessary, multiple rounds. Reference must be made to this in the invitation to tender.

2 The electronic auction covers the following areas:

  • a. prices where the contract is to be awarded to the tenderer with the lowest total price; or
  • b. prices and values for quantifiable components such as weight, purity or quality where the contract is to be awarded to the most advantageous tender.
  • 3 The contracting authority checks whether the tenderers meet the eligibility criteria and whether the tenders fulfil the technical specifications. It carries out an initial evaluation of the tenders based on the award criteria and the weighting established for this purpose. Before the auction begins, it provides each tenderer with the following:

  • a. the automatic evaluation method, including the mathematical formula based on the award criteria specified;
  • b. the result of the initial evaluation of its tender; and
  • c. all other relevant information regarding the auction process.
  • 4 All eligible tenderers are simultaneously invited electronically to submit new or amended tenders. The contracting authority may limit the number of eligible tenderers, provided it announced this in the invitation to tender or in the tender documentation.

    5 The electronic auction may comprise several successive rounds. The contracting authority informs all tenderers of their rank in each round.

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