Art. 13 PPA from 2022
Art. 13 Recusal
1 Persons may not participate in the award procedure on the contracting authority's behalf or in a panel of experts if they: a. have a personal interest in a contract;b. are connected to a tenderer or a member of one of its governing bodies by marriage or registered partnership, or cohabit de facto with this party;c. are related to a tenderer or a member of one of its governing bodies by blood or by marriage in a direct line or collaterally to the third degree;d. are representatives of a tenderer or worked for a tenderer on the same matter; ore. lack the independence necessary to carry out public procurements for other reasons.
2 A recusal request must be submitted immediately after the reason for recusal becomes known.
3 Decisions on recusal requests are made by the contracting authority or the panel of experts, excluding the person concerned.
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