Federal Act on Public Procurement (PPA) Art. 52

Zusammenfassung der Rechtsnorm PPA:

Art. 52 PPA from 2024

Art. 52 Federal Act on Public Procurement (PPA) drucken

Art. 52 Appeal

1 The contracting authorities'" decisions may be appealed to the Federal Administrative Court:

  • a. in the case of supplies of goods or services: when the contract value exceeds the applicable threshold for the invitation procedure;
  • b. in the case of construction work: when the contract value exceeds the applicable threshold for the open or selective procedure.
  • 2 In the case of contracts outside the scope of international treaties, the appeal may only seek a declaration that a decision violates federal law; this does not apply to appeals against decisions in accordance with Article 53 paragraph 1 letter i. Foreign tenderers may appeal if the state in which they are domiciled grants reciprocal rights.

    3 The Federal Supreme Court has direct jurisdiction for appeals against procurements of the Federal Administrative Court.

    4 The Federal Supreme Court shall appoint an internal appeals committee to assess appeals against Federal Supreme Court procurements.

    5 There is no right of appeal against the award of the public contracts referred to in Annex 5 section 1 letters c and d.

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