Art. 44 PPA from 2024
Art. 44 Exclusion from the procedure and revocation of the award
1 The contracting authority may exclude a tenderer from an award procedure, delete it from a list or revoke a contract it has already been awarded if it is found that the tenderer concerned, one of its governing bodies, a third party called upon or one of such a party'"s governing bodies:a. does not fulfil or no longer fulfils the conditions for participation in the procedure, or its behaviour jeopardises the legally compliant conduct of the award procedure;b. submitted a tender or request to participate that contains substantial formal errors or deviates substantially from the binding requirements of an invitation to tender;c. has been found guilty by a legally enforceable judgment of a misdemeanour to the detriment of the contracting authority or of a felony.d. is subject to attachment or bankruptcy proceedings;e. has violated anti-corruption provisions;f. refuses to allow inspections that have been ordered;g. has failed to pay taxes or social security contributions that are due;h. has failed to execute previous public contracts correctly or otherwise demonstrated that it is not a reliable and trustworthy partner;i. was involved in the preparation of the procurement and the resulting competitive disadvantage for the other tenderers cannot be offset by appropriate means;j. has been legally excluded from future public contracts under Article 45 paragraph 1.
2 The contracting authority may also take measures in accordance with paragraph 1 if there are sufficient indications that the tenderer, one of its governing bodies, a third party called upon or one of such a party'"s governing bodies:a. gave the contracting authority untrue or misleading statements and information;b. entered into unlawful agreements affecting competition;c. submitted an abnormally low tender without proving compliance with the participation conditions upon request and offers no guarantee that the goods, work or services put out to tender will be provided in accordance with the contract;d. infringed recognised professional rules or compromised their professional honour or integrity through its acts or omissions;e. is insolvent;f. disregard workplace health and safety regulations, terms and conditions of employment, the provisions on the equal treatment of men and women in terms of equal pay, the provisions on confidentiality and the provisions of Swiss environmental law or the international conventions for the protection of the environment designated by the Federal Council; g. violated reporting or authorisation obligations under the IEA (1) ;h. violated the Federal Act of 19 December 1986 (2) on Unfair Competition.
(1) [SR 822.41]
(2) [SR 241]
Es besteht kein Anspruch auf Aktualität und Vollständigkeit/Richtigkeit.