Art. 39c Protection of rights management information
1 Rights management information on copyright and related rights may not be removed or altered.
3 Works or other subject-matter from which the rights management information concerning copyright and related rights has been removed or altered may not be copied, imported, offered, transferred or otherwise distributed or broadcast, made perceptible or made available in this form.
BVGE | Leitsatz | Schlagwörter |
B-2429/2013 | Urheberrecht | Tarif; Vorinstanz; Tarifs; Recht; Quot;; System; Verfügung; Meldung; Lemma; Beschwerdeführers; Vergütung; Radio; Fragen; Bundesverwaltungsgericht; Vorfrage; Verfahren; Genehmigung; Streichung; Schutz; Regel; Verwertung |