Art. 39 Term of protection
1 Protection begins with the performance of the work or of the expression of folklore by the performers, with the publication of the phonogram or audio-visual fixation, or with its production if it is not published, it ends after 70 years. Protection of a broadcast begins with its transmission; it ends after 50 years or with the transmission of the broadcast; it ends after 50 years. (1)
2 The term of protection is calculated from 31 December of the year in which the event determining the calculation occurred.
(1) Amended by No I of the FA of 27 Sept. 2019, in force since 1 April 2020 (AS 2020 1003; BBl 2018 591).BVGE | Leitsatz | Schlagwörter |
B-2429/2013 | Urheberrecht | Tarif; Vorinstanz; Tarifs; Recht; Quot;; System; Verfügung; Meldung; Lemma; Beschwerdeführers; Vergütung; Radio; Fragen; Bundesverwaltungsgericht; Vorfrage; Verfahren; Genehmigung; Streichung; Schutz; Regel; Verwertung |