Federal Act on Public Procurement (PPA) Art. 32

Zusammenfassung der Rechtsnorm PPA:

Art. 32 PPA from 2024

Art. 32 Federal Act on Public Procurement (PPA) drucken

Art. 32 Lots and partial supplies

1 The tenderer has to submit a complete tender for what is to be procured.

2 The contracting authority may divide the procurement li into lots and award them to one or more tenderers.

3 If the contracting authority has formed lots, tenderers may submit a tender for several lots, unless the contracting authority has provided otherwise in the invitation to tender. It may stipulate that a single tenderer may receive only a limited number of lots.

4 If the contracting authority reserves the right to require tenderers to cooperate with third parties, it announces this in the invitation to tender.

5 The contracting authority may reserve the right to award contracts for partial supplies in the invitation to tender.

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