
Copyright Act (CopA)

Zusammenfassung der Rechtsnorm CopA:

Art. 31CopA from 2023

Art. 31 Copyright Act (CopA) drucken

Art. 31 Unknown authorship

1 Where the author of a work is unknown, protection for that work expires 70 years after it has been published or, if it has been published in instalments, 70 years after the final instalment.

2 If the identity of the person (1) who has created the work becomes publicly known before the expiry of the aforementioned term, protection for the work expires:

  • a. in the case of computer programs, 50 years after the death of the author (1) ;
  • b. in the case of all other works, 70 years after the death of the author (1) .
  • (1) (2)
    (2) (3)
    (3) Revised by the Federal Assembly Drafting Committee (Art. 58 para. 1 ParlA; SR 171.10).

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    -Basler Kommentar Lugano- Übereinkommen2016
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