
Copyright Act (CopA)

Zusammenfassung der Rechtsnorm CopA:

Art. 22cCopA from 2023

Art. 22c Copyright Act (CopA) drucken

Art. 22c (1) Making available broadcast musical works

1 The right to make non-theatrical works of music contained in a broadcast available through a radio or television programme may only be asserted by the authorised collective rights management organisations if:

  • a. the broadcast was primarily produced by the broadcasting organisation or at its request;
  • b. the broadcast was dedicated to a non-musical topic which took precedence over the music and was announced prior to the broadcast in the usual manner; and
  • c. making it available does not impair the sale of music on phonograms or through online offers by third parties.
  • 2 Subject to the requirements of paragraph 1, the right of reproduction for the purpose of making available may only be asserted by the authorised collective rights management organisations.

    (1) Inserted by No 1 of the FA of 5 Oct. 2007, in f2007,inforcesince1July2008(AS20082421;BBl20063389).

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    Anwendung im Bundesverwaltungsgericht

    B-1298/2014UrheberrechtQuot;; Tarif; Recht; Handel; Vorinstanz; Musik; Handelston; Sendung; Recht; Handelstonträger; Fernseh; Vergütung; Tarifs; Tonbildträger; Urteil; Tonträger; Fernsehen; Swissperform; Vervielfältigung; Darbietung; Verwertung; Quot;Tarif; Beschluss; Sendeunternehmen; Lemma; Zweck; Urheber; änglich