Federal Act on Public Procurement (PPA) Art. 22

Zusammenfassung der Rechtsnorm PPA:

Art. 22 PPA from 2024

Art. 22 Federal Act on Public Procurement (PPA) drucken

Art. 22 Design contest and study contracts

1 The contracting authority that organises a design contest or a competition to conduct studies including execution or awards study contracts shall regulate the procedure on a case-by-case basis in compliance with the principles of this Act. It may refer to the relevant provisions of trade associations.

2 The Federal Council shall determine:

  • a. the types of design contest and the terms of study contracts;
  • b. the types of procedure to be applied;
  • c. the requirements in terms of preparatory work;
  • d. the arrangements for the preliminary technical examination of the competition entries prior to their evaluation by the panel of experts;
  • e. the specific terms for study contracts and design contest for the procurement of information and communication technology supplies;
  • f. the make-up of the panel of experts and the requirements concerning the independence of its members;
  • g. the tasks of the panel of experts;
  • h. the conditions under which the panel of experts may decide on purchases;
  • i. the conditions under which the panel of experts may rank competition entries that deviate from the provisions of the design contest programme;
  • j. the manner in which prizes may be awarded and the claims that the winners may make depending on the type of design contest;
  • k. the compensation for the creators of award-winning competition entries in cases where the contracting authority does not follow the recommendation of the panel of experts.

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